Monday, October 17, 2016
Hurricane Matthew
The winds leveled many homes.
Trees were uprooted, crops were destroyed, gardens were flooded, and many lives were lost. There is now the danger of cholera and other diseases related to a storm of this caliber.
Two New Additions to Our Family
One of my boys was married last October and he now is the proud father of this little gentleman.
This newborn baby was born during the hurricane. His mother was in labor during the storm and they went to several hospitals until they got help. The mother was having complications. She delivered twins but the baby girl didn't survive.
The Bee Sting
This little boys was working the garden and ran into a wasp nest. His face is swelled and his eyes are almost closed.
Graduates from the License Program
These two young men have finished the license course at our Bible School. Lucien Payoute and Jean Robert Calixte have been with the God's Missionary Church since they were children. We are so proud of them. They are recognized with the government and are able to legally sign documents for the church.
The Walls are Going Up on the Belle Vie School
The blocks are being laid for the school rooms.
The rooms are divided.
The walls are laid up.
A second bond beam is poured at the top.
Adding 4 School Rooms to the Belle Vie School
The foundation is being dug by hand for the 4 school rooms.
The rock foundation is going up.
The rock foundation is finished on the outside perimeter. The boys are digging the foundation for the interior walls.
Instructing Well Drilling
Brother Don Cass and Brother Mike Brown instructing these young men how to use the well drilling equipment.
Brother Don Cass has been coming to Haiti for many years.
Brother Mike Brown, myself (Don Mobley), and Brother Don Cass.
Games for the Youth
The youth played volley ball with the Haitian youth.
The children enjoyed games with Tiara
Tossing water balloons on a sheet was an exciting game
Youth Team Painting Project
Painting the gate
Scraping and painting the iron on the school
The school building looks much cleaner with the new paint